Patendibüroo Koitel

Seasons Greetings!
 utility model
domain name
 geographical indication
 patent attorneys
From July 5, 2010 new regulation of .ee domains entered info force. Accordingly to this: 
-  multiple domain registrations are possible in the name of single person;
-  domain names can be registered both in the name of legal and private persons; 
- domain names can be registered in the name of foreign persons, provided thay can name a representative in Estonia as their administrative contact;
- domain names become valid for 1 year;
- there will be a annual charge for the registration/maintaining of a domain names.
Existing .ee domain names must be re-registered. This mmust be done within 6 months (until January 5, 2011) in order to avoid deletion of the domain name and becoming free for registration by any other interested party. During February 6 to April 5, 2011 not re-registered domains will be inactive (associated web-pages and e-mail addresses will stop working). 

From April 6, 2011 not re-registered domain names will be deleted and they become free for registration by any other interested party.  

For the first time trademark owner can register ther trademarks as .ee domain names (previously single registration per company was only possible). This gives trademark owner more possibilities to use/advertise its trademarks in the Internet and the registration also avoids possible domain name piracy. 

Domain Dispute Arbitrary Court will also be established to handle piracy related matters. 

Domain names under .ee are registered with the Estonian Internet Foundation. Should you be interested of registering an .ee domain name, you are welcome to contact us.
 Domain name
 New .ee
 domain rules
 Options for
 Patent attorneys

 main page  
 Tina 26, 10126 Tallinn, Estonia; location on a map
 tel: +372 6 033 260; fax: +372 6 033 261;
 e-mail: or send e-mail from here
© Koitel 2000-2015