INVENTION patent utility model |
TRADEMARK domain name geographical indication |
CONTACT forms legislation patent attorneys |
A geographical indication is:
- the name of or a reference to a geographical area which indicates the specific geographical origin of goods or services if the given quality, reputation or other characteristics of the goods or services so identified are essentially attributable to the geographical area where the goods are produced, processed or prepared for selling or where the service is rendered; - or other word, phrase or symbol that, resulting from long-term and consistent use, have become essentially attributable to the geographical area where the goods are produced, processed or prepared for selling or where the service is rendered. A geographical indication may be in word form (a word or a phrase which is the name of a geographical area, includes it or refers to it) or in figurative form (a cartographic representation or symbol of a geographical area referring to a particular geographical area). A geographical indication provides legal protection upon registration of the indication with the Patent Office. Legal protection of a geographical indication is perpetual. The Geographical Indication Protection Act came into effect in the in Republic of Estonia in the year 2000. |
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