Patendibüroo Koitel

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 patent attorneys
Patenting is one of the legal protection forms for inventions. A patent is granted legal protection for a maximum period of 20 years (for medicinal and plant protection products 25 years of legal protection can be granted at the maximum). A respective fee has to be paid for each year for the continued validity of the patent (annuity payment).
For the grant of patent protection, a patent application has to be filed with the Patent Office who will carry out an examination to determine whether the patent is novel, involves an inventive step and if it is industrially applicable. Patent examination at a Patent Office may take from 3 to 5 years. Legal protection of a registered patent is in effect as of the date of filing the application.
First Patents Act of the Republic of Estonia was passed in 1921 and was valid until 1940. The Patents Act of the re-independent Republic of Estonia was passed in 1994.
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 Options for protection
 Patent attorneys

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 Tina 26, 10126 Tallinn, Estonia; location on a map
 tel: +372 6 033 260; fax: +372 6 033 261;
 e-mail: or send e-mail from here
© Koitel 2000-2015